
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

Founded in 1854

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Website


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(The German Evangelical Lutheran Church) on October 22 under the leadership of the Reverend Christian Sans


Services were begun by Rev. C. Sans, at first in homes, then at 915 N. 2nd Street.



     c.1957 photo of 1854 location


Congregation was organized as the German Ev. Lutheran Church on Oct. 22nd; lots were purchased as first church site for $200.00.


August Gamm well known in Lutheran church circles, having been one the founders of St. Mark’s church in 1854 and had continued an able elder of that church for many years.




First church built; cost $4000.00.


First teacher called.  Sunday School organized, classes in both German and English.


03 01       A NEW CHURCH

The German Evangelical Lutheran Society of this city, under the ministerial charge of Rev. Christian Sans, have taken all the initiatory steps towards putting up, during the coming season, a good substantial church, which shall be an ornament to the city and a credit to themselves.  They have purchased a lot directly north of and adjoining Daniel Hall’s beautiful location, in the eastern part of the city, upon which to build and it is claimed that a pleasanter location is not to be found on the east side of the river.


The lot is 108 by 80 feet, and was purchased of Mayor Prentiss for $200.  The building is to be in length 80 feet, in width 40, and 22 "between joints" in height, with a gallery of good dimensions.  The cost of the house according to the plan drawn is estimated at $4000.


The timber is already being drawn in from the country.  The steeple is to be constructed, not only as an ornament, but for the purpose of accommodating a town clock, should such a useful piece of machinery ever fall to the lot of our city to own.--WD


Cross Reference:  John Dornfeld said to be contractor.





First organ purchased at cost of $449.00.



12 02       Donation visit to Rev. Christian Sans   WD



03 17       Plans for building a school house    WD


11 17       Thanksgiving 1859   WD



02 09       Rev. SANS

Rev. Christian Sans and portion of the Germans, quarrel between    WD


Rev. Sans accepted a call to serve St. Peter’s of Joliet, Illinois.


08 02       Rev. JOHN BADING, President of Synod, accepted the call to serve St. Mark’s (1860 - 1868)

The German Lutheran Church of this city have extended an invitation to Rev. John Bading to become their pastor, in place of Rev. C. Sans, which has been accepted.  Mr. Bading will at once enter on his pastoral duties.  He comes here well recommended as a clergyman of ability and sincerity, and under his ministrations we have no doubt this society will become influential and prosperous.  He will meet with a warm and cordial reception, and all his efforts be cheerfully seconded by his people.   WD



St. Mark’s joined the Wisconsin Synod


1863       Traveling by Pastor (and Synod President) Johannes Bading to Germany and Russia to gather funds for the establishing of Northwestern College


Rev. Bading left for Europe to gather funds for a proposed college in Watertown, returned in Nov. of 1864 with about $13,000.00.


Seminary classes initiated in St. Mark’s School, later moving to 814 N. 4th St. (1863 -1865).


Students at first lived in the Bading parsonage during his absence in Europe.


New school dedicated. First building dedicated at Northwestern “University”.



First parsonage built on Jones St., to be moved in 1914 to 606 Madison St.



Rev. Bading accepted a call to serve St. John’s in Milwaukee.



Prof. Adolph Hoenecke accepted a call as St. Mark’s pastor, but served only four months because of the press of his duties at Northwestern College.


Second classroom added in our school. Joint Reformation & Mission Festival services initiated with St. John’s.


Rev. R. Adelberg installed as pastor (1869 - 1873).



Pastor’s salary, $700, teachers’ salary $40 monthly, janitor’s $60 a year.


Prof. Ernst called as assistant pastor (1870 - 1912).  Served as second president of NWC for 50 yrs.



Third class-room added in our school.


Special collection taken for victims of the great Chicago Fire.



Rev. Adelberg left to serve St. Peter’s Milwaukee, succeeded by Rev. Henrichs, who was relieved of his office in 1874.



Rev. J. Brockmann was installed as pastor, serving until 1904.



Male Chorus organized, as also the Ladies’ Aid Society.



Controversy erupted throughout the Lutheran church on the Doctrine of Election by Grace.


A small group left St. Mark’s to form St. Paul’s, which joined the Ohio synod, building a church at 309 S. 6th which existed from 1883 to 1930, when the group disbanded.



Two lots purchased for present church for $1575.00, cornerstone laid on Pentecost Sunday.






New church dedicated on Sept. 9, 1888; cost-$23, 074.77. (Architect’s fees, $91.60; bell, $844.24; altar and pulpit, $830.00.)


Building of the present church structure for slightly over twenty-three thousand dollars, and changing of name to "Die Evangelische Lutherische Sankt Markus Gemeinde (The Evangelical Lutheran Saint Mark's Congregation) of Watertown, Wisconsin"


09 14       St. Mark’s new Lutheran Church in the 2d ward was dedicated last Sunday according to the usual Lutheran ceremonies.  Fully 700 strangers were here from Milwaukee, Jefferson, Columbus, Oconomowoc, Ft. Atkinson, Lowell and Juneau to take part in the services.  In the morning the opening services were held in the old church presided over by Rev. J. H. Brockmann, the pastor, the dedication sermon being preached by Rev. John Bading, of Milwaukee, delivered the sermon, and in the evening, Rev. Philip von Rohr, of Winona, preached.  A very large attendance was present on each occasion, and all were deeply interested in the proceedings.   WG




The Wisconsin Synod of the Lutheran church opened here in St. Mark's church Thursday last.  There was in attendance 160 ministers, 50 teachers and 70 delegates, all portions of the synod being represented.  The opening sermon was preached by the president, Rev. P. von Rohr, Winona, Minn.  The subject chosen was “Education," the position being taken that the chief object of education was to bring up children within the limits of the baptismal covenant.  Eighteen new ministers with probably twenty-five new congregations were reported.  A large portion of the proceedings was taken up by discussions on the question of parochial schools, based upon the different thesis presented as follows:


Martin Luther is to be considered the founder of, particularly, the Christian parochial school.  In it the children are taught the pure word of God, and this is made the means of their education.  The duty to maintain such schools evolves from the Scripture, and their purpose is to educate the children to be true Christians and good citizens.  Christian and believing teachers are necessary for the work, and parents must work in conjunction with the teachers.  Christian parents, therefore, must see that their children attend parochial schools.  Their organization and maintenance, for this reason, is the duty of the congregations.



-- --           MIXED CHOIR ORGANIZED.  Synod built seminary in Milwaukee.



Rev. Christian Sans died recently at Joliet, Ill., at the age of 79 years.  He was formerly pastor of the Evangelical-Lutheran church of this city, now St. Mark's church, which he established in 1853.  He encountered some difficulties in his pastorate here, chiefly from being rather outspoken on the temperance question, and in 1860 he left this field for Joliet, where he established two churches.  Rev. Mr. Sans came to the United States from Germany in 1832, and built churches in New Orleans, in several towns in New York and also in Pennsylvania.  He was a man of strongly marked characteristics and possessed fine ability.       WR



Fourth classroom added.





Commissioning of synod's first missionaries to work among the Apache Indians in Arizona in a service at Saint Mark's, by Rev. Ernst, then serving as the president of the Synod.




The 300-pound bell which occupies the belfry in the new Northwestern University building was dedicated last Wednesday afternoon, President A. F. Ernst, Prof. Notz and Rev. J. H. Brockmann leading in the ceremonies.  In the evening the festivities terminated with a banquet for the students in the university dining hall.  The bell was donated by the ladies’ society of St. Mark's church.  It is expected that the university will soon enjoy a complete electric bell system, the same to be a gift from Prof. Weimar, of the faculty.




St. Mark’s Lutheran congregation are enjoying themselves today picnicking at Concordia Island.   WG








08 31       St. Mark's Lutheran Church will resume the regular English services next Sunday evening at 7:30.  As formerly, they will be conducted by Prof. Julius Gamm.   WR



01 23       The ministers belonging to the Central Conference of the Wisconsin Lutheran Synod held a meeting in this city last Wednesday and Thursday for the discussion of doctrinal and secular matters and missionary work.  Sessions were held both morning and afternoon, and Wednesday evening religious services were held at St. Mark’s church, Rev. J. Geigert of Newville, preaching the sermon.   WR




Palm Sunday at St. Mark’s Lutheran church was fittingly observed with an interesting sermon delivered by their pastor, Rev. J. H. Brockmann.  The floral decorations were both numerous and beautiful.  A large number of children were confirmed.  The pastor in his sermon spoke highly of the good work that had been achieved in the parochial school during the past year, the children being such faithful little workers and admonishing them to maintain their zeal in the good cause of Christ in the future as they had in the past.


The following named persons were confirmed.  August Kerl, Albert Zautner, Walter Schlueter, Ludwig Bergmann, Emil Stueber, Franz Kube, Benjamin Wittnebel, Arthur Wilde, August Tietz, Robert Schmidt, Zeno Brueger, Oscar Hofs, Will Abela, Leonard Arndt, Edward Kuckkahn, Emil Buedler, Carl Hub, Bernard Lenius, Willie Maron, Franz Nowack, Herbert Jaeger, Oscar Hayer, _?_ Mattke, Carl Hoppe, Oscar Ebert, Hermann Hellwig, Bernard Bartz, Theodore Eggert, Emil Schmidt, Leona Eickel, Adele Scherer, Amelie Mueller, Emma Seidel, Bertha Gloede, Martha Tripke, Minnie Muernberg, Anna Mutzel, Anna Schoppe, Clara Schwierski, Margeret Fisck, Elsa Buerger, Ella Buntrock, Adelia Braeger, Adele Krueger, Minnie Rehbaum, Clara Krueger, Louise Baldt and Ella Kube.



Rev. J. KLINGMANN (1904 - 1944).

Rev. Brockmann died suddenly on Jan. 20th, having served for 29 years.


Rev. J. Klingmann accepted call (1904 - 1944).


St. Mark’s observed its 50th anniversary, with Rev. Bading as speaker. There were 285 families.



05 03       Rev. JULIUS KLINGMANN, Pastor


1944  The Rev. Julius Klingmann, died of a heart ailment from which he had suffered for some time.   May 03




Prof. and Mrs. W. K. Weissbrodt, superintendent and matron of the home for feeble minded and epileptic children and Prof. and Mrs. E. M. Kirch, teachers in the institution, leave today for Milwaukee, to which city their household goods were shipped yesterday, where they will get things in readiness for the coming of the children . . . the congregations of both St. Marks and St. Johns churches having provided the necessary bedding and furniture for their comfort while they remain.


12 11       NEW PARSONAGE

The finishing touches are being put on the new St. Mark's church parsonage, which will be ready for occupancy in a few days and into which Rev. Julius Klingmann, the pastor, and his family will move after Christmas.  The building is a credit to the congregation of St. Mark's and to the city and has been erected on Madison Street at the end of Seventh Street [610 E Madison], making a striking appearance from the main thoroughfare of the city.


For appearance and convenience, it is one of the best residences in the city.  It is a commodious twelve-room house with all the modern conveniences, including steam heat, gas and electric lights, hot and cold water, baths and a beautiful fire place.  Downstairs there are six rooms as follows:  Pastor's reading rooms, library room, alcove, setting room, dining room and kitchen.  The rooms are all finished in white oak and make a striking appearance.  The dining room is especially pretty, being finished in painted work with burlap background.


Charles Huenfeld, the contractor, certainly did an excellent job and one that has given general satisfaction.  Theodore Dobbratz has likewise shown his excellent workmanship in the interior and exterior decorations.  Every room is a model of neatness and reflects much credit upon Mr. Dobbratz.  The mason work was done by John Diehl and is in keeping with the balance of the work.  



St. Mark’s church used by St. John’s during its building program.


New parsonage built for $10,000 at 610 Madison; the first parsonage was moved from Jones Street to 606 Madison.





07 10 &

11 20       DECORATED BY A. LIEBIG & Co.

Electric lights placed and two water fonts; Theodore Dobbratz injured in fall    WG



Theodore Dobbratz, the well-known painter, met with a serious accident at St. Mark’s Lutheran church this morning while he was at work decorating the interior of the edifice.  He was at work on a scaffold about twenty feet high when it gave way, precipitating Mr. Dobbratz to the floor below.


As soon as possible he was removed to his residence, 117 North Fourth Street, where physicians examined his injures.  It was found that he sustained a fracture of the back bone.  The spinal cord is intact but there is a fracture and dislocation of the vertebrae.  Hopes of recovery are entertained, provided that no pressure symptoms develop.


Aside from this injury he also sustained a fracture of the left forearm.  While in a critical condition the physicians have hopes of his recovery.  Mr. Dobbratz has been employed for some time on the interior decorations of the church as his services as a decorator are much sought after, and the news of this unfortunate occurrence will be learned with sorrow by all and it is to be hoped that he will be fully restored to health.             Weekly Watertown Leader, October 30, 1908



With impressive ceremony St. Mark’s Lutheran church [renovated, lights installed] was formally dedicated yesterday in the presence of a large congregation which filled the church edifice.


At 10 o’clock the trustees of the church turned the church property over for dedication to Prof. J. Schaller of the Wauwatosa seminary, who delivered the dedicatory sermon.  Prof. Schaller is one of the most able speakers in the synod and his words were very impressive and were listened to very attentively by the large congregation.


Prof. Schaller was assisted during the day by the Rev. A. Keibel of Kirchhagen [Germany], who spoke at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and by the Rev. A. C. Stock of Hartland, who spoke in English in the evening.


The singing of the choir was especially good and was a pleasing feature of the dedicatory services.


The parish was organized in 1854 with the Rev. Christian Sans as its pastor.  The Rev. Julius Klingmann has been pastor of the church since 1904 and has about 1650 communicants.


The church is in a strong and flourishing condition.


Following is the board of trustees of the church:  President—William Gorder, Sr. Secretary—Fred W. Gamm, Treasurer —Charles Piper; Ferdinand Volkmann, August Tanck, Jr., Ferdinand Krueger, August Zimmermann, William Rohde, F. C. Jaeger.


-- --         BAPTISMAL FONT

Albert Kringel carved the baptismal font at St. Mark's Lutheran church in Watertown and after some sort of falling out with the church elders he packed up and moved to Milwaukee.  He left behind a legacy of fine stone carving:  the font and the lovely bas-relief of his wife on her tombstone at Oak Hill cemetery.    Bill Jannke note



07 02       Lutheran Home Corner Stone Laid; St Mark’s participation   WG



02 25       Young People’s Society program   WG


12 09       Children of Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded, Christmas service for   WG




His funeral took place from St. Mark's Lutheran church, of which congregation he was president for 25 years until he retired on account of old age.    Obituary 



03 16       St. MARK’S LUTHERAN

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print only contains date; Rev. Julius Klingmann, pastor of St. Mark’s, in center



02 12       NEW $20,000 SCHOOL

6-room school built for $20,000.00. Served until 1973.  St. Mark’s congregation has decided to build a new $20,000 school the coming summer at the corner of Jones and North Eighth streets.  The new school will be 72x80 feet, two stories high, of Watertown’s brick, trimmed with Bedford stone.  The school will be equipped with everything modern, and will also contain a vacuum system for cleaning.   WG


7th class-room added.



Contracts for building the new St. Mark’s School have been let to William Hoefs, mason work; George Gruel, carpenter work; Charles David, painting and wood finishing; Charles Wittchow, heating and tin work.   WG




10 15       60th ANNIVERSARY

The 60th anniversary of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church was celebrated last Sunday.  Rev. Benjamin Schlueter of Markeson, formerly of this city, preached an English sermon at the evening service, in which he dwelt on the possibilities and duties of the future work of the congregation.  Rev. G. E. Bergmann of Fond du Lac, president of the Missouri synod, preached the sermon at the morning services.   WG



Special services in the church and at the school building will make Sunday next, the dedication day for the new parochial school of St. Mark’s church, a day long to be remembered by the members of the congregation and the public generally.  Two visiting pastors, Prof. John Schaller of Wauwatosa seminary and the Rev. Henry Gieschen of Milwaukee, will be here to assist in the services.  Prof. Schallen will preach at the morning service to be held at the church at 10 o’clock, and the Rev. Gieschen will preach at the afternoon service which will begin at 2:30.


Following the morning service, the congregation will repair to the new school, where the dedicatory exercises, in charge of the Rev. Julius Klingmann, pastor of St. Mark’s, will begin at about 11:15 o’clock.  The afternoon service will be held in the church and at its close, the new school will be opened for the inspection of the members of the congregation and the public.


The Northwestern College band will render several sacred selections at both the morning and afternoon services and will accompany the congregational singing.  The church choir and other organizations, including the school children’s chorus, will have a part in program.   WG



01 14       OFFICERS OF ST. MARK’S

The board of trustees of St. Mark’s congregation met Friday evening in the board room of the new school and elected the following church officers to serve for the coming year:


President — William Gorder, Sr.

Vice President — Herman Zimmermann.

Secretary — Fred Siegler.

Treasurer — Richard Biefeld.

School board — Herman Marquardt, Emil Kaercher, Gerhard Rippe.

Relief committee — Richard Biefeld, Herman Bublitz, Frank Zastrow.



TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CONGREGATION FORMED by members of Saint Mark's who were interested in having English services


Trinity Church was organized to provide English services, held church in St. Mark’s auditorium for almost three years.


School expanded to include all 8 grades.



A Milwaukee contingent of 350 Lutherans of twenty-eight churches took two special trains on the electric road and added to the 6,000 that had already gathered from this city, Jefferson and Fort Atkinson.  The party was escorted to the Bethesda home by the St. John’s band and the morning service in German which followed immediately was led by the Rev. Clarence Sheuer of Lowell, Mass.  The afternoon program was in English being featured by a sermon by the Rev. H. C. Jans and a talk to the children by Prof. Theodore Schlueter of the Northwestern college.


Dinner and supper were served in one of the buildings by the ladies of St. Mark’s church.  Choir numbers were given by the Watertown members on the lawns surrounding the buildings which were specially decorated for the occasion.   WL



WEEKLY ENVELOPE SYSTEM, quarterly statements introduced.




School closed for 6 weeks during epidemic.



A building with a steeple and a tree

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It is now used as a school and for meetings, etc.  Here I went to confirmation school in the winter of 1904 & 1905.  Julius Klingmann teacher  <>  W. C. Streblow



A church with a cross on top

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Of this church we were members 13 years ago.  Here I was confirmed April 16, 1905.  Taken May 20, 1918.  Julius Klingman, pastor   <>   W. C. Streblow, No.4A/73.   Right, 216 North Sixth Street (removed)




A group of people posing for a photo

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    School pic



Annual budget of $14,000 adopted.


A piano recital was given in St. Mark's school hall.  The recital will be rendered under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Ernst by pupils of her class. . . . Those participating will be Gertrude Wendland, Severa Gamm, Eugenia Meyer, Marion Brandt, Margaret Neumann, Bernadine Archie, Margaret Bruegger, Margaret Jaeger, Paul King, Vanita Dornfeld, Esther Kuhlow, Werner Franzmann, Norma Conrad, T. Uelzmann, A. Dornfeld, Eleanore Kuhlow, Edgar Groth, Stella Kurzweg, Elsie Splitgerber, Isabella Fisher, Cornelia Groth, Adela Doering.



German/English Catechism introduced, also English services.


Men’s Club organized.



St. Mark’s commitment to Synod budget was $2348.19, the highest of any congregation that year.




           Lack of approval led to formation of the Wethonkitha club





           Lack of approval led to FORMATION OF THE WETHONKITHA CLUB


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Description automatically generated       Maas Bros. Building Contractors, Albert W. Maas, draftsman


The St. Mark’s Men’s Society was organized in 1921 “to establish a social center for the members of the church, to give them the recreation desired, which, however, shall not conflict with the rules of our church, and to give aid and support to church and synod whenever found necessary.”


. . . The club flourished for the first two years of its existence, showing a membership of well over one hundred.


Then, however, it approached the congregation in 1923 for permission to install some bowling alleys at their own expense in the basement of the building [lower level of the old church], the request was received with some apprehension.  A committee was appointed by the congregation to determine whether bowling in its midst could be “reconciled with our doctrine and church life.” 


The committee headed by Pastor Klingmann returned an unfavorable report and recommended that the club’s request be denied because a precedent would thereby be established which might at a later date prove dangerous to the sound growth of the congregation.  The club did not receive approval to install its bowling alleys, even thought it had purchased them in anticipation of a favorable decision.


All this was discouraging to the young club and contributed much to the formation of another men’s society in Watertown, the Wethonkitha club, where members of Wisconsin and Missouri Synod Lutheran church members in and about Wisconsin would have their clubrooms and bowling alleys.


After this “set back” membership in St. Mark’s Men’s Society diminished until it was disbanded nine years later in 1932.                St. Mark’s 1854-1979 booklet



NEW AUSTIN ORGAN installed, at cost of $12,000.  Old organ given to Bethesda.   



Rev. William Eggert was installed as first Associate Pastor.  Prof. Huth of NWC had served for 17 years in a part-time capacity.  At that time membership stood at 2000 souls.


Established a second pastoral position at Saint Mark's







KURT OSWALD came as principal.  The Choir observed its 50th anniversary.


-- --           ST. MARK’S SCHOOL, GRADES 4 & 5




-- --           ST. MARK’S SCHOOL, GRADES 7 & 8


Arthur Schmidt, Louis Kuckkahn, Theodore Neverman, Gene Cowen, Marvin Borth, Donald Wilke, Richard Timmel, Victor Zoellick, Arnold Schumann, Gilmer Christian, Paul Westerhouse, Earl Zastrow, Rose Storbeck, Alice Ebert, Irene Kuckkahn, Norma Fischer, Lucille Schmidt, Mr. Kurt Oswald, principal, Hazel Stark, Irene Schliebe, Ruth Maron (Marone), Audrey Borth, Shirley Kohls, LaVerne Marks, Lois Feder, Betty Loader, Irene Englebrecht, Florence Larson, Marianne Itzman, Elaine Ebert, Maves Seifert (Seyfert), Carol Zastrow, Vivian Bowen, Robert Osward, Ellerd Schmidt, Herbert Hafemeister, John Huggett, Robert Rogers, David Cox, Robert Strehlow, Robert Bergemann (Bergaman), Stanley Nelson, Robert Gruenewald, James Eickmann (Eikman).


-- --           A WAR-TIME CHRISTMAS


Note the special banner left of the Christmas tree.  Each star on banner on left represented a person from the congregation who was serving our country



Rev. J. Klingmann died on May 3rd at the age of 78 years.



Rev. Gerhard Redlin was installed as Associate Pastor (1948-1957).



Second parsonage purchased, at 1025 Main (sold in 1968).





Rededication of remodeled and renovated church, with new entrance, heating system, lighting.  Cost, $54,237.69.







School extensively remodeled at cost of $15,796.91.




      Viewed from E. Madison and N. Seventh streets

Former St. Mark’s parsonage at 610 E. Madison (removed)

Rear of original St. Mark’s, which fronted on Jones Street and was located behind a new St. Mark’s church built in 1888.



Rev. Eggert died of a heart-attack at 69 years of age. Rev. Willard Kehrbert was installed as Associate Pastor on Oct. 4 (1953 - 1955)



St. Mark’s celebrated its Centennial with year-long activities.  There were at that time 1685 confirmed members, 2200 souls, 2 pastors and 8 teachers, with 300 pupils in school.



09 28       Plans for the construction of a new unit to St. Mark’s Christian Day School were announced today.  Initial steps for the new school plans were taken about a year ago when St. Mark’s congregation purchased a property and since then two more, located between North Sixth and North Eighth Streets, facing north on Cady Street.  These sites will be utilized as part of the general building plan.  On the acquired property St. Mark’s intends to erect the first unit of a new school building.  The planned unit is to have a gymnasium, four classrooms, a principal’s office and other rooms.  It is planned at present to have a complete basement underneath the four classrooms and office space.  This basement space is to be used for a lunchroom, kitchen, boiler-room, locker rooms, etc.


Rev. Kehrberg accepted a call to Minneapolis.



05 09       At a meeting held last night, St. Mark's Lutheran Church gave the “go ahead” signal for the construction of a new parish school to be erected on its property fronting on Cady Street.  Final approval of the plan was voted.  It was also disclosed that the Maas Bros. Construction Co. of Watertown has been awarded the general contract and that the plumbing and heating contract will go to the Otto Biefeld Co. while Arthur Ruesch will do the electrical work.  Plans now call for construction to begin this summer.  The architects are Edgar A. Stuebenrausch and Associates, Sheboygan.  The new school will be one story high, with full basement and will be designed to allow future expansion when the present St. Mark's School is abandoned. 




05 11       The building committee of St. Mark's Lutheran Church today called for bids for the new parochial school the congregation will construct this summer.  Bids will be received up to 4 p.m. on May 7 and are to be sent to or delivered to the residence of the pastor, the Rev. Gerhard Redlin, 610 Madison Street.  Theodore Guse is chairman of the committee.  Bids will be received for the general work and there will also be separate bids for the following, either separately or any combination of bids: heating and ventilating, plumbing and drainage, and electrical work.


09 25       St. Mark's Lutheran congregation turned out in large numbers Sunday afternoon for the cornerstone laying ceremonies held at the parish school which is now under construction.  A beautiful fall day marked the occasion. St. Mark's Church, where a brief service was held prior to the ceremony itself, was filled to capacity.  The program opened with a hymn and this was followed by the pastor, the Rev. Gerhard Redlin, reading from the scriptures.  The choir sang an anthem and the address of the afternoon followed. It was delivered by the Rev. K. A. Timmel of Trinity Lutheran Church. 


Rev. James Fricke arrived as Associate Pastor, installed on Oct. 21st.



St. Mark’s observed Rev. Redlin’s 25th anniversary.


New School dedicated; cost about $381,000.00.


Rev. Redlin died suddenly of a heart attack on Dec 1st. at the age of 52.



Rev. Harold Wicke was installed on April 20 (1958-1969).


Lakeside Lutheran High School opened its doors at Fort Atkinson.



Our Synod severed its relationship with the Missouri Synod.



Rev. James Fricke accepted a call to serve in Benton Harbor, Michigan.






Rev. Henry Paustian was installed as Associate Pastor on Feb. 3rd.




St. Mark’s Lutheran Church has completed plans to honor four of the faculty members of St. Mark’s School in recognition of their long years of service which they have given as Christian Day School teachers.  There will be a special service in the morning and a reception in the evening.  Both events will be held Sunday, Oct. 4.  Henry F. Krenz, principal of St. Mark’s School, is rounding out 25 years as a Christian Day School teacher.  Nine of these were spent at St. Mark’s. Miss Ruby Reich has been a member of St. Mark’s faculty for 38 years.  Miss Louise Fenske came to St. Mark’s 34 years ago and Miss Ada Sievert has a record of 33 years, interrupted by teaching elsewhere.



The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod which numbers St. Mark’s and Trinity Lutheran Churches in Watertown among its members and of which St. Luke’s Lutheran Church is an associate has made plans for the construction of the Wisconsin Lutheran chapel and student center at Madison.  The Rev. Henry E. Paustian, one of the pastors of St. Mark’s Church, who serves as mission’s chairman of the synod’s western district, first made the plans known several months ago and the purchase of property for the construction has now been completed.



Henry Krentz left to serve in New Ulm, Quentin Albrecht was installed as new principal.  Home purchased at 904 6th Street.






Third English service introduced, with German Services moved to the Parish Hall.


Rev. Wicke accepted the call as Editor of the Publishing House in Milwaukee, preaching his farewell sermon on June 29th.


Rev. Myron Kell was installed as Associate Pastor on Oct. 26th.







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Dedication of renovated church on May 2nd.  New narthex, toilet facilities and stairs, parents’ room, basement room, ramp.  Cost of $172,000 was met in two years.


St. Mark’s observed Pastor Paustian’s 25th anniversary of ordination.





Dedication of new school addition with 10 classrooms, church office, janitorial and storage rooms, faculty lounge, book-store.  Cost $350,000.00.  School enrollment, about 460.



Trinity Church moved into its new school in Jan. with 95 pupils and 3 teachers; St. Mark’s added a 12th teacher, along with a 13th part-time teacher for the new Kindergarten Room.



A teacherage was purchased at 610 Cady St.



Membership - 2000 communicants. 2600 souls.





Pastor Kell’s 25th year in the ministry was observed by St. Mark’s.



Rev. James Werner was installed on Nov. 29th as the 3rd Associate Pastor,


A home was rented at 313 S. Monroe to serve as a parsonage.



St. Mark’s commitment to the Synod, $105,000.00.  Total budget: $514,293.00.



08 28       Rev. and Mrs. Henry Paustian honored   WDT

Recognition Dinner observing Pastor Paustian’s 20 years of service at St. Mark’s Aug. 21st.







Dedication of new parish center on Sunday at 2 p.m.  An open house will follow from 3 to 5 p.m.  Architect for the $550,000 project is Douglas J. McNamee, Fort Atkinson.  General contractor is K&K Masonry of Watertown.  Construction was started April 1, 1987, on the 13,400-square-foot addition which includes two levels.  The center has a large modern kitchen and a 40-by-59 foot dining area to serve the needs of the congregation; two pastors’ offices for study and counseling; a 30-by-40 foot choir room and storage area; and rest rooms on both levels.      WDT



Owen Dorn, a native of Hendricks, Minn., will be installed as the first non-teaching administrator/principal of St. Mark’s Christian School Sunday during the 10:45 a.m. worship service.  Dorn attended school at Northwestern Lutheran Academy in Mobridge, S.D., and Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn., where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in education.  He received a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.   WDT


1995       Establish fourth and fifth part-time / semi-retired pastoral positions at Saint Mark's.




St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church has begun a $965,000 project to completely renovate the over 100-year-old church, located at Sixth and Jones streets.  Don Frost, restoration committee chairman, said, "We will be touching every square inch of the building."  Worship services will be held in the parish center during the restoration process, which is expected to take six months.  Preliminary work under way this week includes removing the pews which will be refinished and cushions will be added.  Other items from the church are being placed in storage until the project is completed.   WDT



Members of St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 215 N. Sixth St., will hold five special services this weekend to praise God for the restoration of their church building.  Since April 1, members have been worshiping in their parish center as the entire church building was worked on.  The membership had the church restored to the beauty it had at the turn of the century while adding technologically state-of-the-art lighting, sound, audio, heating and air conditioning systems.  The exterior brick was cleaned and sealed.  All stained glass was releaded, repaired and cleaned.  Stained glass windows behind the altar were uncovered and restored.  A new concrete tile roof was added.   WDT


10 29       WDTimes


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10 27       Farewell to Rev. Donald Sutton; served congregation for the past 13 years   WDT



-- --          145th ANNIVERSARY

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The German descent that is rooted deep within the heritage of the people in the Watertown area is not as noticeable in everyday life, but those who attend church at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church see it every Sunday and hear it twice a year.  “The church didn’t begin to hold worship services in English until the 1920s and before that German was the only language used,” the Rev. Karl Walther, who inherited preaching the German services and has been doing so for the past 10 years, said.  The church keeps that historical tradition alive twice a year with a service spoken in German on Christmas Eve and on Good Friday.




St. Mark's has had musical groups in its midst since the very early days in the 1850s. For many years, the male chorus provided music for regular worship services as well as for special occasions.


In 1891 a group of individuals received permission of the minister at the time to form a chorus of mixed voices. It was a new concept for the congregation because at that time men's and women's groups were separated in almost every avenue of church work.


The first organizational meeting of the choir was held on Oct. 31, 1891, 115 years ago. Later that year, on Christmas Eve, the choir made its first public appearance. They sang “Ihr Kinderlein kommet” (”Oh Come Little Children”) during the children's Christmas service.


Since its inception, the choir has weathered depressions, wars, changes in church life and many other things associated with the past century. (WHS_005_542)




St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 215 N. Sixth St., will hold a special song and music communion service on Sunday at 9 a.m.  This service will mark the retirement of minister of music Bill Birsching.  Professor Birsching came to St. Mark’s from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn., in 1998 and has served as a part-time minister of music for the congregation.  He and former minister of music John Jenswold developed a strong music ministry at St. Mark’s. Under the leadership of these two men, the church went from one choir to four choirs.  Under Birsching’s guidance, a bell choir was added and a number of instrumental groups also served the congregation in worship.



Frederick Uttech will be installed as the new administrator of St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran School on Sunday during the 9 a.m. service.  Uttech will head a school of 260 students along with a staff of 13 teachers and eight support staff.  He comes to St. Mark’s after having been a teacher and principal at Bethany Lutheran School in Manitowoc for the past 14 years.  Uttech is a native of Watertown and graduated from St. John’s Lutheran School, the former Northwestern Prep School, Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee and Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn.  He is completing his master’s program in leadership from Silver Lake College in Manitowoc.



03 26       PROFESSOR/REV. CYRIL SPAUDE, 1930-2008. 

Upon retirement from Northwestern College served in WELS ministries including St. Mark's   WDT



Students at St. Mark’s Lutheran School spent their last days of class taking down chalkboards and carrying desks out of the building in preparation for construction and renovation to take place this summer at the school.  “It’s been exciting,” Carol Pagels, kindergarten teacher, said.  “The students have been adjusting really well and having the older ones help has given them a sense of ownership to the school.  They’re looking forward to the new changes just as much as everyone else.”  Plans for updating the school have been in the process for a number of years.  St. Mark’s Lutheran School is supported by St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church and is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  The current enrollment at the school is about 260 students in prekindergarten through eighth grade.  Earlier this spring congregation members approved the approximately $4 million project that will be done by Maas Brothers Construction and funded through donations from the congregation.



The Watertown Plan Commission Tuesday granted a conditional use permit to St. Mark’s Lutheran School on East Cady Street for an approximately $4 million addition and renovation project.  St. Mark’s is looking to construct a 24,600-squarefoot addition that will consist of more classrooms, a gymnasium, administrative offices, a music center, rest rooms, a kitchen and a commons area.  About half of the school will be demolished, including the current gymnasium, kitchen, two classrooms, several offices and the dining hall.


June      $4.3 million school building addition and renovation project started in June 2008.



02 20       Dedication of new and renovated school building and music center; Prof Emeritus Daniel Deutschlander guest speaker   WDT



St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 215 N. Sixth St., will install another member to its ministry team on Sunday.  Ronald Paynter will be installed as a part-time Christian counselor for St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 215 N. Sixth St.  This new program is self-funded.  Members who make use of this service will pay for the services offered. Insurances will be accepted.


Paynter is a native of Bozeman, Mont.  He received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Mich., and his master’s degree in clinical counseling from Montana State University in Bozeman.  He has served as a counselor for 25 years.  Paynter specializes in family, AODA and grief counseling.



03 29       German tradition continues; worship in German   WDT



08 25       40TH ANNIVERSARY OF FRED UTTECH, St. Mark's Christian School administrator

A special service will be held to honor Uttech.  Guest speaker will be the Rev. Bruce McKenney of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Lake Mills.  Following the service a reception will be held in the St. Mark's School Commons.


Fred Uttech was born and raised in Watertown.  He is a graduate of St. John's Lutheran School and the former Northwestern Prep School in Watertown.  He graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee and Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn.  He received Wisconsin licensure and reading license from Silver Lake College in Manitowoc.  In 2010, he received a master in educational leadership from Silver Lake College.


During his 40 years of ministry he has served as a tutor and instructor at Northwestern College in Watertown.  He was a teacher, youth director and pastoral assistant at Bloomington Lutheran Church in Bloomington, Minn.  In 1980, he was called to be the principal and teacher at Bethany Lutheran Church in Manitowoc, where he served for 27 years.  Since 2007 he has served as the school administrator for St. Mark's in Watertown.  He is also serving as chairman for the program committee for the Wisconsin State Teachers' Conference and the district school coordinator for the Western Wisconsin District of the WELS.


Mr. Uttech is married to Peggy (Holzer).  They have four children and eight grandchildren.   WDT



More than 150 years of Christmas celebration in the German language will continue this month at St. Mark's at 10 a.m. Monday.  This will serve as the setting for this year's German Christmas Eve service.  The sermon will ask, 'Wer ist das Kind, was heute geboren ist?' ('Who Is This Child Born Today?') on the basis of John 1:14-18.  German liturgy and German hymns will accompany the day's worship. The Rev. Karl Walther will officiate.   WDT




St. Mark’s Watertown will be celebrating its Winter Mission Festival during services this weekend.  For the festival, the church will be hosting the Rev. Timothy Dolan, the dean of students at Luther Preparatory School.  The theme of Dolan’s message is “You have an important task.”  He will highlight the mission of the prep school and how it helps prepare its students to share the Gospel while providing them with a top-notch education.  Luther Prep School was founded 150 years ago in Watertown when it began as the prep department of Northwestern College.  In 1995 the college was moved but the preparatory school remained and was combined with Martin Luther Preparatory School of Prairie du Chien.



St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Rev. James Werner’s ordination into the pastoral ministry on Sunday during the 9 a.m. service.  This service will also serve as a farewell and retirement celebration for Werner, who retires at the end of July following 34 years of ministry at St. Mark’s.


Werner was born on April 17,1948, in Wausau, to Edward and Ruth (Ahrens) Werner.  On May 2 of that same year he was received as a child of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schofield.  In Schofield James had the joy of sharing his childhood home with his brother, David, and sister, Joan (Alliet).


From his very first day of kindergarten, Werner went to school with his future wife, Stephanie “Stevie” Braatz, the two of them celebrating the rite of confirmation together on March 26, 1961, and then graduating together from D.C. Everest High School in the spring of 1966.  On June 10, 1972, they were united in Christian marriage at their home congregation.


In 1981 Werner was called to serve as associate and youth pastor at St. Mark’s, marking the first time the congregation would have a third full-time pastor.  In 1985 his focus became outreach and for the past 20 years he has served as the congregation’s coordinating pastor.  In addition to his service at St. Mark’s, he has served the greater community through work on various groups includ­ing the board for Crossroads House and the Watertown Ca­ble Committee.


The Werners have two children and three grandchildren.


___________________ WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE ALL THIS? ___________________


Dear Members and Friends of St. Mark’s,


My wife, Stevie, and I along with our children, Heather and Matt, were overwhelmed with the show of appreciation and thanks that you showed to us as I celebrated my 40th anniversary in the ministry and my retirement from my call at St. Mark’s.  We wish to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the kindness, gifts and words of thanks that you have given to us on this occasion.


It has been a privilege and joy to serve the saints at St. Mark’s for the past 34 years with the good news of Jesus our Savior.  I thank my Savior Jesus for the opportunity he gave me to serve you here.  I also thank you for being patient, understanding and supportive of me.


I pray that the Lord will continue to bless our congregation as we continue to carry on the mission that Jesus has given to each of us, his chosen saints, to be his witnesses in this dark world and to help one another to grow in our faith life.


Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Jim Werner



  Backus will service as the school and youth pastor.


Backus and his family moved to Watertown from Adrian, Mich. He and his wife, Jessica, have seven children, Abel, 12; Annemarie, 11; Elizabeth, 9; Mary, 8; Micaiah, 6; Judah, 4 and Justus, 2. They are also expecting another child in late January. Backus and his wife consider their children to be a blessing second only to Christ himself.


Backus was born to Rev. Andrew and Dee (Rusch) Backus on April 14, 1976, in Stillwater, Minn.  On May 2, 1976, he was received as a child of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Stillwater. With a change of ministry for his father, he spent his grade school years studying God’s Word at Trinity Lutheran Church and School, Johnson, Minn. and on May 19, 1991, confessed his spirit-given faith in Christ in the Rite of Confirmation.


In May of 1995, he graduated from Martin Luther High School, Prairie du Chien.  Backus and his wife, Jessica (Schmidt) met and married during their college years. They were united in Christ on Aug. 6, 2000, at Jessica’s home congregation, St. Matthew’s Lutheran in Oconomowoc. In May 2001 he graduated from Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn. and later served his pastoral internship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Brookings, S.D. Graduating from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary of Mequon on May 26, 2006, he received his first pastoral assignment to St. John’s Lutheran Church, Florence, where he served until October of 2010. S


ince 2010 he has served as associate pastor at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Adrian.  In April of this year, Backus accepted Christ’s call to serve at St. Mark’s. In addition to his general pastoral duties of preaching, teaching and visitation, he will serve as the congregation’s education and youth pastor. In his educational role he will serve the children, parents and faculty of St. Mark’s School. As youth pastor he will serve as an adviser to the congregation’s numerous youth ministry.



St. Mark’s Lutheran Church of Watertown will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the ministry of the Rev. Charles Iles.  The service will include the fifth- and sixth-graders of St. Mark’s School singing “I Will Serve the Lord” by Janine Swain. 


Iles was born to Elton and Lela (Crouch) Iles on Nov. 1, 1948, in Rock Island, Ill., and was baptized 13 days later at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rock Island.  Following a move to Michigan, he attended grade school in rural Gratiot County, Vestaburg, Mich., and Merrill, Mich.  Having grown in his knowledge and trust of Christ, he publicly confessed his faith in the Rite of Confirmation on April 7, 1963, at Zion Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Mich.  Iles is a 1966 high school graduate of Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Mich.  He is a 1970 graduate of Northwestern College of Watertown and a 1975 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary of Mequon. He served his pastoral internship from 1974-75 at St. John Lutheran Church of Westland, Mich.  Upon graduation from the seminary, Iles was assigned to serve two congregations in South Dakota, Zion Lutheran Church of Colome and Faith of Platte. In 1980 he accepted a call to serve Mt. Olive of Tulsa, Okla. From 1983 to 1985 he served Peace Lutheran of Cape Girardeau, Mo.  He then moved to Wisconsin where he served St. John Lutheran of rural Waterloo and Immanuel of rural Marshall for the 15 fifteen years. During this time he also served as a part-time instructor at Lakeside Lutheran High School of Lake Mills. In May of 2000 Iles accepted a call to serve as a chaplain with Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministries where he currently works with prison inmates.  Since joining St. Mark’s in 2000 he has also has served the congregation as a Bible study instructor, adviser to a care group, chairman of our Board of Pastoral Ministry and congregational chairman.




(Pentecost Sunday / The seventh Sunday after Easter) / Riverside Park



06 04       ORGAN NOTES

Our Buzard Company contractors are test-fitting our pipe organ in their shop.  Over just the next few weeks, they will completely assemble our instrument to make sure everything is looking good; that's the last major step before they bring it home to St. Mark's.  Reinstallation is expected to begin in mid-June.


God has richly blessed this project at every turn. Between April 1st and May 14th, our members joyfully gave in excess of $50,000 to the Organ Fund, which enabled St. Mark's to receive the full anticipated $50,000 anonymous matching gift early.  We expect that just $16,000 is still needed to fully pay off the $535,000 total project cost. 


06 04       GRADUATES

ST. MARK’S 8th GRADE GRADUATES (June 2, 2017): 

Abel Backus, Allen Bockhorst-Miller, Kaelyn Braatz, Emilee Feder, Owen Hildebrand, AnaCristina Iglesias, Benjamin Krueger', Emma Messerschmidt, Cesar Moreno, My a Owens, Zair Palacios, Samantha Ritschke, Aubrey Schmutzler, Emma Strohm, Shelby Webber, Alexander Zache, & Jackson Zietlow.


WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES of the parish:  (June 10, 2017): 

Hayden Buske, Turner Buske, Jacob Butler, Lucas Chesmore, Derek Doerr, Daniel Dowd, Leilany Emilio—Miguel, Emilio Enriquez, Gabriella Genz, Hannah Hanson, Noah Haseleu, Samantha Higgins, Skylar Jannke, Dominique Miller, Dawson Nickels, Bryce Olson, Elizabeth Oswald, Paige Schmutzler, Bryce Schuett, Anthony Sell, Madison Sell, Peyton Wolter, Evan Yanick, and Alexis Zietlow.




St. Mark’s will celebrate its Lutheran heritage and the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation during October.  This week’s worship highlights “Sola Scriptura,” or that people are saved by Scripture alone because it proclaims Jesus Christ as Savior.  Saturday’s service will feature a sacred concert with church members Susan Lueneburg and Josh and Sarah Mose following the sermon. All services on Sunday will feature a sermon, congregational participation and Lakeside Lutheran High School’s A Capella Choir.


The Lutheran Church will mark its 500th birthday Oct. 31.  On that day in 1517 in Germany, Martin Luther posted 95 theses, or statements for debate, that set off the Lutheran Reformation.


11 02       REFORMATION 500


The entire student body and teachers of St. Mark’s Lutheran School celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with an all-day Reformation Festival.




The confirmands are Kaylea Affeld, Annemarie Backus, Braydon Beeney, Ahana Behlke, Olivia Borchardt, Trevor Brunk, Ethan Degner, Noah Dominguez, Mason Eckhardt, Abigail Fiemeyer, Madeline Frohmader, Raigan Good, Lucio Guzman, Kimberly Hafenstein, Caleb Jensen, Kora Kilmartin, Ally Klecker, Kendel Lawson, Emmalee Lehmann, Audrey Meier, Christian Moldenhauer, Jackson Moran, Riley Parsons, Jaydenya Pineda, Desirae Pugh, Ashlyn Rein, Yaritza Rocha, Brian Rupnow, Hunter Schlesner, Emily Schroeder, McKaila Schubert, Blake Schwantes, Carter Slayton, Yahir Toledo, Hannah Uttech, Hunter West, Taylor Wruck, Malinda Zastrow and Cole Zoellick.



10 21       165th ANNIVERSARY

The congregation will celebrate its 165th birthday in services at 7 p.m. Wednesday, 6 p.m. Saturday and 7:30, 9 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday.  Members have said the only birthday present they want is the attendance of many.  The congregation is circulating a flyer in connection with the anniversary. It states a soul’s need for forgiveness in Jesus and offers St. Mark’s as a place to meet Him in Scripture and Sacrament.


On Oct. 22, 1854, about 25 voting members established St Mark’s. Shortly afterward, the congregation acquired the property on which its current parish center is located.  This also paved the way for St. Mark’s school to begin in 1855. By 1888, the congregation had grown to such a degree that it acquired more land and constructed the present sanctuary. God’s blessings have continued through recent decades, in which more than 2,500 Watertown residents per year have called St. Mark’s their church home.




St. Mark’s Evangelical. Lutheran Congregation has announced the 40th anniversary of Rebecca Hafemeister in the teaching ministry.  Hafemeister is the daughter of the late Herbert and Helen Hafemeister.  She attended St. Mark’s grade school graduating eighth grade in 1972.  She graduated from Lakeside Lutheran High School in 1976 and graduated from Dr. Martin Luther College in 1980 with her teaching degree.  She taught at St. Lucas School in Milwaukee for 13 years.  At St. Lucas she taught fourth grade, art classes, and coached cheerleading in many grades.


Hafemeister arrived in Watertown in 1993 to teach at St. Mark’s Lutheran School.  She has taught at St. Mark’s for the past 27 years.  During those years she has taught second, third, fourth and fifth grade students and many combined classes.  She has also taught art and coached cheerleading.  She taught second grade for past six years and is currently teaching third grade this year.  She has art classes for grades 3–5.


09 03       JOE AND ANNIE GUMM

St. Mark’s church will install Anneliese Gumm into the teaching ministry of the gospel at the 9 a.m. Sunday worship service.  Gumm, who moved to Watertown this summer with her husband and three children, is teaching first grade at St. Mark’s school, with a focus on the message of Jesus Christ, God’s Son and Savior of all people.


Anneliese “Annie” Gumm, formerly Spier, and her mother, Sylvia, spent the first five years of her life traveling between Groton, Conn., and Bremerton, Wash., with her father, Michael, who served in the US Navy.  When she was 5 years old, her father concluded his Naval services and the family of four settled in Orlando, FL near her maternal grandparents, Carl and Dorothy Becker who owned Becker’s TV of Watertown, in the 1960s.


Following a visit to Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, she transferred her junior year of high school.  That next summer, she was chosen to participate in a Project Timothy mission trip to Puerto Rico.  During her first few days back on campus for her senior year, she began chatting with others who also had had the opportunity to do mission work through Project Timothy.  One of those young people was Joe Gumm, the son of Rev. Alan and Carolyn Gumm.  Joe asked Annie to the homecoming dance and six years later they were married at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Watertown.


Both Joe and Annie attended Martin Luther College and completed the course of study to be teachers.  Annie graduated in 2003 with a degree in elementary education with a Spanish emphasis.  She was given a one-year assignment to Northland Lutheran High School where she taught Spanish I and II, general science, and coached the freshman girl’s basketball team.  After one year at Northland, Annie and Joe got married and they were both assigned to Luther Preparatory School.  Annie served as a Spanish instructor, tennis coach, and soccer coach.  After two years at LPS, Joe and Annie were assigned to Salem Lutheran in Colorado Springs, CO.


After five years in Colorado Springs, Joe accepted a call to serve as principal and upper-grades teacher at Immanuel Lutheran in Hadar, Neb. During their five years in Nebraska, Annie served for three years as a preschool teacher at Trinity Lutheran in Hoskins, and for two years as a part-time principal release teacher at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Norfolk. In 2016, Joe accepted a call to serve as principal and upper-grades teacher at Trinity Lutheran in Nicollet, Minn.  Annie was offered a half-time position and taught various subjects in the middle and upper grades. 


While in Nicollet, Annie also became a mentor teacher for beginning teachers and began her master’s program in instruction through Martin Luther College.  She hopes to finish her degree in the spring of 2021.


In January of 2020, Joe received a call to be an English professor at LPS.  Shortly after Joe accepted his call, Annie was extended and accepted a call to teach at St. Mark’s Lutheran School.




Allison Herrewig will be installed as a first grade teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Watertown in an 9 a.m. worship service Sunday.


Herrewig is a skilled Christian educator who is eager join the ministry of St. Mark’s Christian elementary school, which serves 230 children with academics and daily instruction in the Christian faith. She was born in 1998 in Watertown.  Since then she has lived in Mobile, Alabama, Saginaw, Michigan, Fond du Lac, New Ulm, Minnesota, and West Palm Beach, Florida.


Herrewig’s dad, John, is the pastor at Divine Savior Lutheran Church, in West Palm Beach, where her mother, Julia also works as office manager.  She has three siblings, Jenna and Ryan both graduates of Luther Prep, are now studying at Martin Luther College. Micah will be a freshman at Luther Prep this year.


Herrewig graduated from Winnebago Lutheran Academy in 2016, and then went on to major in elementary education at Martin Luther College.  She recently married Joe Herrewig, who is a tutor at Luther Prep, along with coaching football and teaching English.  She enjoys music, going to the beach, and spending time with family and friends.




   Image Portfolio    


     Image Portfolio   (Steve Seim)





Table of Contents 

History of Watertown,

