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Rev. E. F. Quandt Honored on

30th Anniversary as Pastor


St. John’s Pays

Fitting Tribute

Sunday Evening


Sept. 1954


The Rev. E. F. Quandt Sunday evening was guest of honor at a special service and program at the church and parish hall to mark his 30th anniversary with St. John’s Lutheran Church of which he is one of the two associate pastors.


He previously had served under the late pastor, the Rev. F. H. Eggers.  A large turnout of friends and parish members greeted him last evening.


The preacher at the service was the Rev. B. J. Stelter of Clyman and the liturgist was the other associate pastor, the Rev. M. A. Bertermann.  G. A. Schmiel was at the organ.  E. H. Matthes was the musical director.  Miss Viola Schlueter directed a children’s group.


The Rev. Mr. Quandt has served St. John’s congregation since September, 1924.  He was assistant pastor and parish school teacher until 1949 when he was named as one of the two associate pastors.


Classmate Is Speaker


The program and social evening in the hall following the church service had the Rev. Prof. W. A. Schumann of Northwestern College as the speaker.  He was a classmate of the Rev. Mr. Quandt


Gifts were presented to the pastor by the congregation, the various church organizations, the staff and the children from the parish school.  A luncheon was served by members of the Ladies Aid Society.


The Rev. Mr. Quandt is a native of Dodge County, having been born in Woodland on April 11, 1888.  He received his elementary instructions in a Lutheran parish school and then entered Northwestern College in Watertown, graduating in 1912.  He graduated from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Wauwatosa in 1915 and was ordained and installed into the ministry at Buffalo, Minn., Nov. 7, 1915.  He was married to Miss Meta Pautz of Watertown on Nov. 28, 1915 and served as pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Buffalo, Minn., from 1915 to 1920.