
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Lincoln School Dedicated

Exercises By The Pupils of The School

Remarks by the Mayor and Other Citizens

The School Building One of The Finest in the State

Sanitary Conditions Perfect and Everything Up To Date

Watertown Gazette, 02 18 1910


Lincoln School Dedicated - Hundreds of citizens visited the new Lincoln school last Saturday, it being open for inspection from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.  The pupils of the school furnished a very appropriate program in honor of the event and in honor of the day, Saturday being Lincoln's birthday anniversary, after whom the school is named.  A fine bust of the late Abraham Lincoln occupies a conspicuous place in the lower hall on the left as you enter the building, and here the statue was unveiled and the exercises were held, the pupils of the school and teachers being arranged on the stairways leading to the upper story; all held small flags and waved them as they sang the Star Spangled Banner.  The program was a most excellent one and spoke well for both teachers and pupils.  Hon. Wm. F. Voss intended delivering an address, but was prevented from being present on account of an accident he met with that morning.


The following was the program:


Song, America                             Pupils

Unveiling the Bust of Lincoln      

Presentation of Bust of Lincoln           Bennie Winklemann

Recitation, Abraham Lincoln               Alex Hoffmann

Recitation, O Captain, My Captain         Helen Frey

Essay, The Naming of Our School           Fred Hollenbeck

Recitation, Gettysburg Address            Hildegard Zeidler

Remarks by Supt. W. P. Roseman     

Song, The Star Spangled Banner            Pupils


Mayor Arthur Mulberger, Hon. C. F. Viebahn and James W. Moore, president of the Board of Education, were then called on, the two latter confining their remarks principally to the excellence of the new school building, Mr. Viebahn laying particular stress on the good air and fine sanitary conditions.  The president of the board told what he knew about erecting a public school building, and complimented his coworkers on the Board and Superintendent W. P. Roseman for their strict attention to every detail of the construction of the school, and stated that though many obstacles and aggravations were laid in their way, they went right ahead and did what they thought was right, and the result was that the Board and Superintendent feel that a perfect building has been furnished our city, and though each member was considerably annoyed and devoted a good share of their time during the past year to the construction of the building without expense to their fellow citizens, they felt well repaid for their efforts, when they now view this magnificent building  They especially feel gratified, since they learn all who visited the building on Saturday are loud in their praises of it.


The teachers and pupils too say "well done good and faithful servants."  Mayor Mulberger spoke also in complimentary terms of the new building, and dwelt at length on Abraham Lincoln, his scant opportunities for education as compared with the fine advantages given the youth of the land at the present day, and referred in eulogistic terms to the people of this city and state in furnishing good schools and a state university the equal of any in the world.


Superintendent Roseman referred very nicely to what the taxpayers of Watertown were doing for the educational uplift of the youth of our city, and hoped the pupils of Lincoln School would show their appreciation by taking good care of the new building and report any case of malicious destruction of the property.


Lincoln School is one of the finest of its size in Wisconsin, being handsome in design and is constructed and equipped after the most modern methods, its sanitary condition being considered the most perfect that present day science teaches.  Approximately $30,000 has been spent on the building, and to the credit of the board be it said that only $87 in extras were expended, and this has been offset by penalties charged to the contractors.  The contractors, Wagner & Baumann of Monroe, Wis,. have done their work very satisfactory and that too under great difficulties at times. 


The architects, Messrs. Claude & Starck of Madison too, deserve much credit for their faithfulness in seeing that every detail and every wish of the Board of Education was faithfully carried out.  The architecture of the building is fine, and the exterior presents a very handsome appearance. 


The school is 74x78 feet, two stories high with a large basement and an immensely large garret, which can be used for a gymnasium.  Two colors of red tinted St. Louis pressed brick are used in its construction, the doors and window trimmings being in Bedford stone.  In the lower portion of the building the brick is dark red, and the upper portion a lighter red, producing a very pretty effect.  The interior finish is in Georgia pine, excepting the hall and stairs in the first story over the boiler room, which is of reinforced concrete, adding greatly to the safety of the building from fire [Lincoln School burned down in 1949].  The class rooms are in different tints, doing away with that sameness in a schoolhouse that often gives it a depressing effect.   There are ten class rooms in the building.  In the basement, which is nearly all over-ground, there is a domestic science room, girls’ toilet, boys’ toilet, boiler room, fan room and coal and ash rooms.  The basement was particularly well constructed, is well lighted and well ventilated. 


In the first story are four large class rooms, and a commodious hall, stairways on both sides leading to the exits on either side of the building and two stairways to the second story.  In both the upper and lower halls are sanitary drinking fountains, two on each floor.  In the second story besides the class rooms are a teachers' room and teachers' toilet.  These rooms were nicely furnished by the pupils and teachers of the school and also a new piano furnished by the same, occupies the center of the large hall in the upper story, giving the school a very homelike and edifying appearance. 


The ceilings in the lower story are all of metal, and the floors in the upper story all have material underneath that deadens the sound that is usually caused by walking or stamping on floors.


Fire gongs are on each floor, which are used in calling and dismissing school, and in case of fire are sounded continuously.  The front door bell is connect with Miss Mary Crangle’s room, the principal and a school telephone connects her with all other classrooms as well as with the janitor’s room in the basement.  The building is equipped throughout with electricity.  The heating and ventilating system is what is known as the Powers system, one of the most perfect now in existence, including both direct and indirect heat.  Two large boilers, a fan and an engine are used to operate the system.  While the school is in session the fan is operated to force the heated fresh air into the rooms above, and when school is dismissed the steam radiators only are used, it requiring more fuel, and greater attention from the janitor, to look after the fan.  While school is in session the air in the room changes seven times an hour.


Each room is operated independently of the other by automatic dampers which open and close as the temperature of the room changes.  A thermostat is placed in each room connected with a hollow tube with the pressure tank in the basement.  The system is regulated so that a temperature of 68 degrees is maintained throughout the building in cold weather.  There are two sets of dampers, one controlling cold air, the other the hot air; they keep working vice versa as the temperature of the room varies.  The cold and foul air ducts lead from each room to the roof above.  An hourly record is kept each day of the temperature in each room, and in this way if any of the machinery gets out of gear it will show in the heating and ventilating of the room and it can be at once looked after. 


The plumbing, as our citizens are aware, has been given special attention.  It is perfect throughout the building.  The toilet seats are self acting and each works independently of the other.  In the boy’s urinal there is a continual flow of city water, which keeps this feature of the toilet room in perfect sanitary condition.  In each of the toilet rooms there are a number of wash basins for the use of the pupils. 


The roof is of red tile and will last for years. 


Otto Biefeld & Company of this city put in the heating and plumbing systems and did their work well.  William G. Pritzlaff & Co. did the metal roof and cornice work, and H. G. Gillis the painting, under the direction of the contractors, who placed all the work they possibly could in the hands of local business men.  There are a few minor things about the building to be completed before the school is formally accepted from the contractors, Messrs. Wegner & Baumann, whose relations with the school board have been very pleasant and whom the board found willing and anxious at all times to do the right thing.  They were conscientious in their work and if at times there were little errors found in the construction of the school they were only too anxious to remedy them.  Mistakes are easily made in interpreting the plans of a building of this magnitude, but when any were made, they never escaped the watchful eyes of the architects and members of the school board. 


All the seats in the building are new and of the latest improved kind, being adjustable to the pupils; can be lowered or raised as the occasion requires.


The especial thanks of the Board of Education, and our citizens in general, are due our most worthy Superintendent of Schools, W. P. Roseman, who from the time it was decided to build this new school, up to the present, devoted all his spare time to the work.  He investigated, planned and assisted in every way possible to have this school a perfect one, and many of the good things about the school are due to his forethought and knowledge of school affairs. Without his assistance the Board of Education feel that their work in connection with this school would not have been so well done, and it is the desire of the board that through the press he be publicly thanked for his great assistance and untiring interest in this good work.


The building committee, consisting of Chas. E. Frey, Frank B. Weber and C. A. Vaughan, are deserving of commendation, for on them in particular depended a great deal in bringing this work to a successful conclusion.


The board of education consists of:


James W. Moore, President.

Dr. C. R. Feld, Clerk.

W. P. Roseman, Superintendent.

George Cooley, First Ward.

Chas. E. Frey, Second Ward.

Jas. W. Moore, Third Ward.

Dr. M. O'Malley, Fourth Ward.

Frank B. Weber, Fifth Ward.

Hon. Wm. F. Voss, Sixth Ward.

Chas. A. Vanghan, Seventh Ward.


Two former members of the board, C. H. Jacobi of the First ward, and Frank M. Eaton, now of Eugene, Oregon, deserve a good share of the credit for the construction of the school, for when it was first talked of building, they were enthusiastic supporters of the move and spent their own money and considerable time in visiting schools of other cities to post themselves on what was good for our city.


Following are some of the pictures hanging on the walls and other decorations in the new school:


First grade—Sistine Madonna by Raphael

Second grade—Holy Night by Correggio

Third grade—Return to the Farm by Troyon

Fourth grade—The Angelus by Millet

Fifth grade—Temple of Gizeh

Sixth grade—The Parthenon

Seventh grade—The Forum, The Coliseum and Sir Galahad by Watts

Upper hall—Spring by Anton Maure, Head of Lincoln

Lower hall—The Gleaners by Millet, Bust of Lincoln by Volk


A very pretty design was presented to the school for Lincoln day by Mrs. Otto Biefeld.  The design, which is made of red, white and blue flowers, is in the shape of a lyre with a medallion of Lincoln at the top.  The Declaration of Independence, donated by Howard Donner, and a head of Lincoln, by Gustav J. Doerr, occupy conspicuous places in the school.  Mrs. A. F. Solliday donated a beautiful supply of cut flowers for dedication day.




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History of Watertown, Wisconsin
