
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Rev N Carter Daniell

1865 - 1924


   Watertown Daily Times  01 28 1924





The death of the Rev. N. Carter Daniell, for thirteen years pastor of the First Congregational Church in this city, occurred at the parsonage home, 500 Fourth Street shortly before 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon.  While it was known that his condition was critical his death was a shock to his friends who had hoped that he might be spared a longer useful life.


Rev. Daniell was a native of England.  He was born in Cornwall on September 16, 1865 and received his education at Hackney college and at London university in England and at Chicago university in this country, coming to the United States nineteen years ago.  Rev. Daniell was an educational missionary in India for seven years and before coming to Watertown he lived at Chicago.  He was married to Mabel Wittsey of London, England, in New York City in 1909.  He is survived by his wife.


Since coming to Watertown, Rev. Daniell was an active worker here.  He loved Watertown and his love for the community is reflected in his work which is known to everyone.  He was active in church affairs and in all worth while undertakings for the betterment of the city and community.  He was especially interested in the younger element of the city and one of the outstanding events of his life here was the reorganization and building up of the Watertown Troop of Boy Scouts of America.  He was for ten years the scoutmaster of the local troop.  Rev. Daniell also instituted the community vesper services here and his book reviews and sermons were a vital part of his work in Watertown.  He was a student and his liberal education gave him an insight and interest in many lines of activity.  He was a gifted speaker, a writer and student and lover of music.  His death is a distinct loss to the community.


Possessed of a most pleasing personality and fine character he was a force for good in this community.  A man of refined tastes and manners, he was always a welcome visitor in the homes of the people.  His liberal education gave him the opportunity to impart well advanced ideas in his sermons while his manner of delivery impressed his auditors greatly and always attracted large congregations to hear him. He had a deep and abiding faith in Christianity and an earnest desire to do good along life’s pathway.  Although a sufferer for many months, he always presented a cheerful nature which was the wonder of many who were aware of his condition and he always bore his sufferings with Christian fortitude and hope.


In the death of Rev. Daniell Watertown loses one of is best citizens who always took pride in anything that made for the benefit of its people.  The boy scout movement was started here under this direction and he kept up a lively interest in the order until his death.  His services in this respect cannot be measured by money, but they have left their stamp of character upon the youth in which he took a delighted interest.  His friends and associates knew him as a man of sterling character and amiable qualities and his connection with many social organizations attests that phase of his personality.  The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved wife whose loss is so distinctly a loss to the entire city.


The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon. Services will be held at the Congregational church at 2:30 o’clock.  The body will lie in state from 10 until 1 o’clock Tuesday during which time persons may pay their respects.  Burial will be in Oak Hill cemetery.  A request has been made that flowers be omitted.



Rev. Daniell Laid To Rest Tuesday Afternoon


The funeral services for the late REV. N. C. DANIELL held at the First Congregational church yesterday afternoon were very impressive and the fact that the edifice was so crowded as to make standing room only available, testified to the esteem that the decedent was held by the people of this community.


The honorary pallbearers were W. C. Stone, F. E. Woodard, A. D. Platz, L. W. Parks, E. C. Wolfram, H. Lenz, C. H. Ferris, A. W. Dieter, R. J. Rowlands, J. E. Heismann, C. N. Bruegger, F. W. Voss, N. T. Yeomans.  The active pallbearers were Alvin Stallmann, Carl Stallmann, Frederick, Hahn, Anthony Hahn, Carl Raue, Garret Cooper.


The services were conducted by the Rev. A. D. Davies, Wauwatosa, Clark and Henry Faville, Lake Mills, LeRoy Partch, Columbus, and A. T. Brown, Hartford.




The Esteemed Pastor of the Congregational Church


Last Saturday afternoon shortly before 5 o’clock, Rev. N. Carter Daniell the esteemed pastor of the First Congregational church of this city for the past 13 years, passed to his eternal reward at his home, 500 Fourth Street.  Rev. Daniell had been in poor health for many months, still the news of his death was received by our people with great surprise, for all had hoped and prayed for his ultimate recovery.


Rev. Daniell was born at Cornwall, England, on September 16, 1865, and was educated at Hackney College and at London University, England, and at the Chicago University in this country.  He came to the United States about 19 years ago.  He served a number of years as an educational missionary in India, and came to Watertown from Chicago. In 1909 he was married in New York City to Miss Mabel Wittsey of London, England, who survives. Since locating in our city he has not only been a zealous and hardworking pastor of the Congregational church, but also took great interest in all civic affairs for the betterment of Watertown.  He recognized and built up the Watertown Troop of Boy Scouts of America and for ten years was the scoutmaster of the local troop. He took great interest in the boys and girls of the city and aided in every way possible to better their conditions.  He took an active interest in musical affairs and edited several works of note.  Of a refining manner he was welcomed everywhere and proved a companion of more than ordinary interest.  He numbered his friends in this city by the hundreds, and they were not confined to any particular creed, but are found in all walks of life.  He was noted for his kindness to the sick and needy.  His death is mourned sincerely, and his loss will be keenly felt by all who knew him.  To those who have witnessed his good work in Watertown, it would seem he has accomplished his mission in life and they hope that he has but gone to his just reward.  Tuesday afternoon his funeral was held at the Congregational church, which was filled to overflowing with people to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed one.


Cross Reference, RE: Boy Scouts

04 16 1914

Boy Scout Officers.  A Boy Scout Council was organized here last week by selecting Dr. A. F. Solliday president, T. J Berto and Roy Cebell vice-presidents, W. H. Woodard secretary, Edw. F. Weiman treasurer, E. C. Wolfram scout commissioner.  Committeemen and representatives, Executive committee, A. F. Solliday, T. J. Berto, E. F. Wieman; financial committee, E. F. Wieman, Fred Hollenbeck. L. W. Parks; nominating committee, August Tanck, Edward L. Schempf, G. A. Stallman; court of honor, C. A. Kading, T. J. Berto, Max Melzer, H. A. Beurhaus. A. A. Fratinger; representatives to the state council, E. C. Wolfram, A. F. Solliday, W. H. Woodard, E. F. Wieman; scout masters, E. L. Grady, Chas. Ebert.   WG





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History of Watertown, Wisconsin
