
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Watertown Junction

Junction of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and

the Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW) Railroads

Union Depot

Junction Hotel

Hotel burned down in 1920

Railroad Round House



An aerial view of a city

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A train tracks in a town

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A little before 5 o’clock, last Sunday morning, the 29th inst., the Union Depot building, at the junctions of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW) railroads, was discovered to be on fire by the watchman. 



Cross reference note:

What happened to the Chicago and Northwestern railroad?  C&NW's long history came to an end when Union Pacific bought it in April 1995.  The two railroads had long collaborated on connections to the West Coast and buying C&NW gave Union Pacific a connection to Chicago to help it compete with other railroads.



The northern train on the Northwestern road, which was considerably behind, had passed only about half an hour before, at which time there was no appearance of fire.  The flames broke out in the Express room, but how they originated seems to be unknown and unexplained.  The alarm was given, and as soon as possible, the Engine and Hook & Ladder companies went to the rescue.  The depot building being built of wood, the flames spread so rapidly that when the firemen reached the spot, it was seen that their chief business was to save the neighboring structures. 


The Bay State House, owned by Mr. J. W. Mathese, was in great danger, the cornice having already caught fire from the heat or flying sparks. 


In the meantime, the depot itself was being rapidly consumed, the firemen making the most active efforts to confine the flames to it alone, and the platform adjoining it, which they succeeded in doing.  That portion of the platform touching the burning depot was ruined, and other parts more distant badly injured. 


The depot itself was completely destroyed, very little within being saved.  The telegraph instruments were got out and a few other things.  All the baggage in the baggage room was taken away, but most of the express matter, which had just been received, was lost, though every exertion was put forth to remove it.


But for the heavy steady rain, which had been falling for some hours, this fire would have been much more extensive and disastrous. 


The Bay State House and the machine shops would have been burned beyond a doubt.  As it was, the Bay State House escaped with a slight scorching, and a few broken windows, which can be easily repaired. 


Notwithstanding the distance, the mud and the storm, the firemen promptly came out, and used their best endeavors to keep the flames within the smallest possible bounds, and they were remarkably successful, considering the conditions in which they found things when they arrived on the ground.        Watertown Democrat        10-03-1872




A prominent east-side society young man made great preparations to attend the ball at Madison last week Thursday by the Wisconsin legislature, even going so far as to have made to order a full dress suit for the occasion; but, strange to say, he failed to appear at the ball, and his friends, with whom he had made arrangements to meet him there, looked for him in vain.  They were a little annoyed at his failing to appear, and knowing that he desired very much to be present, and of his great preparations for the event, they could not account for his absence.  His invitation thereto had been received in due time, he had dressed for the occasion.  He would certainly have been there had it not been that either his watch mislead him in regards to the time of the departure of the train, or the officials of the St. Paul Ry. played a cruel joke on him.  After putting on his dress suit, and the finishing touches to his toilet, he wended his way to the St. Paul depot to find the train had pulled out for the Junction.  Nothing daunted, he made steps for the Junction that would do credit to the most renowned long-distance runner on record.  He "got there" all right before the train pulled out for Madison, and seated himself in the hind coach, supposing that the passengers on that train were taking supper at the Junction Hotel.  A few days previous the custom of that train taking supper at the junction was discontinued, but the young man in question was not informed of the fact, and assumed a comfortable attitude in the rear car (the train being side tracked) awaiting the time when he would be started on to Madison.  Becoming tired of waiting he arose to investigate what detained the passengers so long at supper, when to his great astonishment he discovered that his car had been uncoupled from the rest of the train, which had departed for Madison a short time previous.  He was dumb founded, disgusted and irritated, and must certainly have imagined that it was a democratic trick to deprive him of the pleasure of dancing with his friends at Madison on that evening.


He keeps perfectly quite about the affair, but all the boys are “on,” and are having considerable fun at this expense.  We have a friendly feeling for him, hence refrain from giving his name.     WG




Friday night parties broke into the lunch room at the Junction house and carried off a quantity of canned goods and other provisions. The marauders were not apprehended, although Mr. Buthorn, the proprietor, had strong suspicions of the guilty ones.   WR




A goodly company had their inner appetites splendidly satisfied last Sunday at the fourth annual game dinner given by William Buthorn, "mine host" of the Junction Hotel.  The guests were seated at prettily set tables, amid the fragrance of carnations, narcissus and other flowers.  The elaborate menu embraced several representatives of the finny and feathery tribes for which the true sportsman's appetite frequently yearns, all prepared and served in a manner that left nothing to be desired.  There were nine courses, the completion of which left the general impression that the genial landlord had reason to be proud of his undertaking.   WR



05 11       SAFE ROBBED

Last Sunday afternoon young man about 25 years of age entered the office at the Junction Hotel, and finding no one therein, he attempted to rob the safe of its valuables. The safe door was closed but the combination was not turned on, and the cash drawers were broken open by the fellow with a stove poker. He took $160 in cash and two gold watches. Mrs. Buthom was upstairs at the time and hearing the noise in the office rushed downstairs and found the man at the safe. He rushed out the door and Mrs. Buthorn after him. She noticed Engineer John Rigny on the platform and called his attention to the fellow. Rigny grabbed him and handed him over to Mr. Buthorn, who after recovering his property took the fellow up town and had him placed in the city jail. Monday morning he was taken to before Justice Stacy, and gave his name as Wm. Butterworth, and his place of residences, Dow City, Iowa. He was placed under $500 bail to appear for examination on Monday, May 14. Not being able to furnish it he was turned over to the charge of Sheriff Jaehnke at Jefferson.  WG



Monday morning Wm. Butterworth, charged with robbing the safe at the Watertown Junction House on May 6, 1900, was examined before Justice Stacy.  The complaint was changed from burglary to grand larceny, and the prisoner was bound over to the circuit court of Jefferson County, his bail being fixed at $500, in default of which he was taken back to the county jail.  The case of James Searles, charged with being an accomplice, on motion of the district attorney, after several witnesses had been heard, was adjourned for one week, and in default of $500 bail, he was also taken back to the county jail.  District Attorney Rogers was present and prosecuted.   WG



---             JUNCTION HOTEL

A building with a train in the background

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A train tracks in a town

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Two engines collided Sunday afternoon (08 18) at 2 o’clock at the Junction, one of them being almost demolished, the other badly damaged. 


A stock train on the Northwestern track and a train on the St. Paul line collided.  Both engines jumped the tracks.




Clyde Dudley of Grand Rapids, Mich., and August Brown, employed at the lunch counter at the Watertown Junction, got into a fistic encounter last Friday night, the outcome of which was that Dudley died of his injuries early Wednesday morning.  He received a compound fracture of the jaw bone and suffered so much from loss of blood that his injuries finally ended in death. Sunday he was taken to St. Mary's Hospital for treatment and died there at the above stated time.  Dudley is what is termed a natural bleeder, and it is said on a previous occasion he received a small cut in his head and it was with difficulty that his life was saved.  Some people, the medical profession say, bleed to death from the slightest wound. 


This is a most unfortunate affair from whatever point it is viewed—the death of the young man is greatly regretted, still the sympathy of the entire community goes out to young Brown.  He is nineteen years of age, and a young man of good character and popular with all who know him.  Young Dudley was 20 years of age. 


It is said the fight was prearranged on account of an alleged insult to a girl, Dudley being the provoker of the assault.  The facts in the case of the assault are substantially as follows as told by a Watertown correspondent in Thursday's Milwaukee Sentinel:


Dudley came to Watertown about four months ago to visit a family living near Watertown Junction.  There was a daughter in the family, a little over 16 years, who was accustomed to visit frequently at the Junction Hotel, where Brown was clerk.  Some time ago Brown, it is said, told the girl to keep away from the place, and Dudley declared this was an insult to the girl, and demanded that Brown fight him.


Brown is about 140 pounds in weights and only about 20 years of age.  Dudley is about the same age, and weighed less than Brown.  Brown kept refusing to fight, it is said, but Dudley began calling him a coward and kept pressing the fight until it was finally arranged according to testimony . . . the two met in a vacant lot near the hotel and fight it out.  There were to be no rounds, but the two men were to keep at it until one had enough. 


Friends of both were present and after the two had shaken hands before the fight, they met in a fierce encounter going to the ground almost immediately.  The fight lasted only a few moments, when Dudley cried out that he had had enough, and his jaw was found to be broken near the ear.  According to the stories of friends the two shook hands and went home.


This was last Friday.  Dudley, however, was bleeding persistently, and on Sunday it was necessary to send him to a hospital.  The doctors could not check the flow of blood and he died Wednesday . . . WG




Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
