
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Idea Theatre


First Street


    Watertown Leader, 07 09 1907


A visit to the Idea Theatre on First Street will convince any of our citizens that the new management is in earnest in the promise made some time ago and published in The Leader, to give the citizens of Watertown a first-class vaudeville theater.


There will be a transformation scene as far as the interior of the theater is concerned.  The place will be remodeled and decorated and given a metropolitan appearance . . . The ceiling and walls are to be sized and kalsomined and the wood-work is to be painted, all contributing to brighten up the place, which has been an eyesore for some time, owing to the untidy appearance of the place . . .  One of the noteworthy of the improvements to be made is the construction of a stairway fire escape . . .