
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


German Musical Society



02 23          A musical society has recently been formed in this city by Germans, which meets once a week to afford its members an opportunity to cultivate the most delightful and agreeable of all the arts.  Last Monday evening a concert was given by the society in this city, which was highly creditable to those who took part in the exercises.  The attendance was large and everybody went away well pleased and gratified with the entertainment and will be glad to have another chance to listen to as fine singing as was heard on that occasion.   WD


1861      AN ACT to incorporate the Watertown German Musical Society. 

The members of the Watertown German Musical Society in the city of Watertown and all persons who shall hereafter be associated with them as members of said society, are hereby created a body corporate, by the name of the “Watertown German Musical Society” for the purpose of promoting the cultivation of musical taste among its members by frequent rehearsals and performances at concerts and on other suitable occasions of old and new musical compositions.    Approved April 15 1861.


Cross Reference:

German Heritage